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Hello, this will be my last blog post because on February 10th I have to publish and finish my website. However, I will continue with Chinese medicine because I consider that it has changed my life.

Chinese medicine made me realize that I have to take care of myself, have a good lifestyle, and be healthy in a physically and mentally way. In other words, Chinese medicine made me become aware of myself, and I understood that humans are energy beings that are connected with the universe and nature. I have grown so much with this project, and I enjoyed doing it a lot. I have learned so much about me, and now I am a much more relaxed person who appreciates her life and procures to have a healthy lifestyle.

I feel with more energy, without anxiety or stress. I feel filled with love, peace, and hope. Therefore, Chinese medicine has made me become a better person. I would like other people to feel what I have felt, to cure their illnesses in an inoffensive way and improve their mood and their energy.

I will continue with my sessions until my period gets regulated. Patience is a very important part in Chinese medicine because it not only cures your illness, it balances all your body, your energy, and that takes time. It isn´t quickly like western medicine that with one pill, it relieves your symptoms of your illness because Chinese medicine cure your illness from its roots and it balances your entire body. Western medicine gives you pills that will make your symptoms disappear, but the illness will remain hidden in your body. If you would like to read more about Western medicine vs. Chinese medicine click here.

I promise that if you experience Chinese medicine you will feel with more energy and your mood will improve.

I have experienced every treatment of Chinese medicine and every treatment has been very relaxing and fascinating.

I would say that the Chinese treatment that I liked the most was acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient and wonderful way of curing people, and it makes people feel at peace. It is an unforgettable experience that you should try it. Don´t be afraid of the needles because they do not hurt. Instead, maybe you will be able to feel your Qi the energy of the universe inside your body.

The theory of Chinese medicine is really beautiful; the yin and the yang, the five element theory, the Qi and the fact that all humans are connected with the energy and nature it is simply astonishing. Furthermore, I am considering to learn Chinese in order to go to China and learn even more about this sensational culture and its beliefs.

Thank you for reading my experience in my blog, and for reading my website. I hope that I motivate people to experience this marvelous medicine, which not only cures you in an offensive way it will make you become a better person not only physically but mentally.

Below is an interview with Dr. Melanie Johnson so you can see the opinions of a doctor who practices Chinese medicine.

I wish you all health, love, and peace! Don't forget to read and write commentaries about my entire website (including the blog) and my overall project by clicking on here. I would really love to read your comments!

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