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HI! I hope everyone had a marvelous Christmas.

Well, today I am on holiday vacations and I it was an awesome opportunity to do Qigong for the first time.

At first I wanted to go to an actual Qigong class and interview the teacher. However, it is very difficult to find a place of Qigong here in Quito, which was very sad to know.

However, there are centers that teach Tai Chi which is a discipline that originated from Qigong, but it is not the same since Tai chi is practiced quickly and with focus on combat and self-defense. Also, teachers seem to not know the true essence of Tai Chi. Therefore, I decided that I will do Qigong by myself by watching YouTube videos. However, the first thing that I did was search all about Qi Gong.

It was very interesting to know that Qigong can be as powerful as acupuncture. Please If you would like to know more about this marvelous and china’s 3,000 old system of self-healing discipline click here.

After my research, I found a good video of Qigong on YouTube. It is explanatory. The name of the video is 5 Element Qigong Practice - full version where Mimi, the teacher, was doing a full 12 minutes Qigong session where she was working with the 5 Chinese elements (wood, fire, metal, and water) and their related organs and meridians, with the purpose of acquiring balance and harmony to all of the body organs.

Therefore, I decided that I will record myself doing this really interesting Qigong session and tell you my feeling while doing Qigong for the first time.

Here is the video I found on YouTube called 5 Element Qigong Practice:

After doing this Qigong session I think that it is not as easy as it seems. In order to do Qigong, you require a lot of coordination, balance and flexibility. I think that Qigong is similar to Yoga because in Qigong and yoga make a lot of emphasis into the breathing and they invoke a meditative state. Both practices help us banish our tension and worries, they help us to listen to our bodies. However, Yoga has a more muscular focus while Qigong has an energy focus in order to heal our body and bring balance to it.

I consider that Qigong, is a beautiful practice in which I was able to feel relaxed, feel and hear my body. In other words, I became aware of myself. However, I didn’t feel the energy flowing from my body which was very disappointing, but I have to consider that this was my first practice in Qigong and that I haven’t mastered my breathing, my balance, coordination or flexibility. Also, I did Qigong based on a video which isn’t a bad thing, but I think it will be a lot better to have a teacher standing in front of you and teaching you the correct movements and breathing you have to make. I think that if I continue doing Qigong for a couple of months or even years, I will be able to feel my Qi and make of Qigong as powerful as acupuncture in my body.

Here is the video of my Qigong practice:

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