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Laser and Magnets!

Today, I had my fifth session with Dr. Melanie. This session was one of the most interesting ones because I tried different Chinese medicine therapies that had a modern twist. I tried laser acupuncture (modern therapy), which is like traditional acupuncture but without the needles. Since many children are afraid of needles this therapy is widely used in them as a substitution of traditional Chinese acupuncture (click here to know more about laser acupuncture). I have already seen laser acupuncture because my mother tried it once. First, Dr. Melanie guide me to a different treatment room, where there was the laser acupuncture machine, and the following video shows how Dr. Melanie started the laser machine:

Then, she explained to me that she was going to use the same acupuncture points that she used in the traditional Chinese acupuncture because those acupoints are specially chosen for my problem with stress and my hormone problem. With two lasers, she pointed the acupuncture point that she desired. The color of the laser was blue and it was constantly flickering. Even though she didn't touch my skin with the laser, I felt a very low electric current which is what you are supposed to feel when you experience the laser acupuncture. This therapy was very quick. It lasted about 10 minutes.

Personally, I liked traditional acupuncture therapy more than laser acupuncture because with the laser acupuncture you cannot have the same state of peacefulness and relaxation as with traditional Chinese acupucture. The reason of this is because laser acupuncture is a very quick therapy, therefore there isn't time to relax and feel at peace, but with traditional acupuncture you are left with the needles for about 30 minutes where you can relax and feel at peace. Also, in traditional acupuncture you can be able to identify your Qi which is like an electric current at the moment that your doctor inserts or moves the needles. However, with laser acupuncture, this is not possible. When she finished doing acupuncture, Dr. Melanie told me that I have red marks on my skin and that I shouldn't worry about them because it is normal and they will vanish quickly.

Then, Dr. Melanie told me that she will proceed in doing the ear acupuncture, but without the needles (click here to know more about ear acupuncture). It was exactly the same as the laser therapy that I experience in my body, only that now she was targeting other points that are located in the ear since the ear holds a microsystem of the body. This means that small points of the ear correspond to a specific organ or part of the body. Thus, when doctors target a specific point on the ear, she or he can influence a specific organ or a part of the patient's body. In my case, Dr. Melanie showed me a diagram of the ear with its points, and she explained me the points she used on me. She used the point of relaxation, a point that influences my endocrine system, and points that influence my ovary and my uterus. I really liked how she explained me everything, plus it was really interesting.

Next, she placed magnets on the ear points that she targeted. She used magnets because the magnets can break static and re-establish the Qi flow in our bodies which will make the body able to cure itself (Please click here to know more about this). The sensation when Dr. Melanie was putting the magnets was very relaxing. She was practically doing acupressure, because she was doing pressure with her fingertips on the acupuncture points located on my ear. Therefore, acupressure is like acupuncture but without the needles. Click here to learn about acupressure.

When she finished putting the magnets in my ear and at the same time doing acupressure, she told me that I have to be with the magnets until the magnets fall by themselves, which can be within a week or two (I will have to be with the magnets in Christmas and probably in New Year). She also said that I should pressure the magnets which are located above the acupuncture point, each day several times. That means that I am going to do acupressure by myself! This will benefit me because when I put pressure into the magnets I will stimulate and reactivate the acupuncture points. I cannot believe that I will be using those magnets until they fall by themselves.

I am not worried because people won't notice them since the magnets are like patches that have the color of the skin. I really liked this session! I totally recommend the laser acupuncture therapy for people who are afraid of needles and for children. Laser acupuncture has the same effect of traditional acupuncture except that it isn't as relaxing as traditional acupuncture. Also, auriculotherapy with magnets and acupressure is a fascinating therapy where you will be able to feel happy, relaxed and excited. Keep reading until the final to know my conclusions and outcomes :)

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